Gjør byråhverdagen enklere med Memcare

Memcare hjelper ditt begravelsesbyrå ved å tilby et brukervennlig, skybasert byråprogram (oppdragshåntering fra A til Å), annonsegenerator, minnesider, blomsterbutikk og økonomihåndtering i ett og samme system.

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Memcare er den eneste digitale løsningen ditt
begravelsesbyrå trenger.

  • Komplett byråprogram.

  • Markedets mest intuitive og brukervennlige dødsannonseeditor.

  • Unik varsling- og minnesideløsning.

  • Håndter blomstersalg og forenkler kommunikasjon med leverandører. 


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  • Økt kundetilfredshet og nye inntektsmuligheter.
  • Sikker skyløsning og personlig support.
  • Tilpasset ulike trosretninger, språk, lokale dokumentasjonskrav og geografier.
  • Markedets laveste priser.

Helping our customers succeed.


Alstad Funeral home has chosen Memcare because they have a comprehensive digital solution with all the functions necessary to operate efficiently and professionally
in our industry. Their software has a good, modern and user-friendly interface. Their support is efficient with personal service.

Morten Ringvall,
Ceo, Alstad Funeral Home

I chose Memcare because they have an exciting concept with their all-in-one solution and because they were the most favorable in price. They are constantly evolving and are responsive to desires for improvement and development of their systems. Memcare is an essential tool in simplifying and systematizing my routines.

Olav Hals
CEO, Sunndal Funeral Home

Al-Khidmat Funeral Home finds Memcare very flexible, adaptable and trustworthy. I like that Memcare is so flexible and that they adapt quickly to the customer's needs. They are agile and not very bureaucratic. The solution itself is always tailored to the needs of the industry, such as participant registration.

Ghulam Abbas
CEO, Al-Khidmat Funeral Home (Norway)

Thanks to establishing cooperation with Memcare, I have the opportunity to offer my clients an innovative and very useful solution.

Slawomir Wierzbicki
Owner, Slawomir Wierzbicki Funeral Home (Poland) 

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Contact Sales & Book Demo

CCO Camilla Grund camilla@memcare.com /+47 97 88 81 11